I began making Blankie Buddies in 2013 when something called Snugglies were popular. These were basically a tiny crocheted blanket with an animal head in the center. Some were very well done, but it bothered me greatly that they were just heads and not bodies. Seemed to me like this could potentially terrify or at least confuse a child.
So I set out to make Blankies look more like animals while still being Blankies. The way they were constructed allowed you to get a lot of detail on their faces without having a ton of ends to deal with while at the same time the blanket bodies provided a chance to try some new stitches that you couldn't apply to colorwork. The dog breeds ended up being the most popular, so I really went wild with them for a while making just about every breed requested. They were fun to design and I never had trouble finding testers. We had fun making them for a while, but they are almost entirely overlooked these days so not really not worth my time to design new ones.
Bamboo the Panda Basset Hound

Busbee the Badger Bulldog Puppy
Beagle Boston Terrier
Bucky the Beaver Calico and Van My Persian Kitty Mods
Cattle Dog Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Chihuahua Persian and Himalayan My Persian Kitty Mods
Corgi Duo Dachshunds
Ellie the Elephant French Bulldog
Galoshes the Snow Leopard Golden Retriever
German Shepherd Husky
Irish Terrier Iron Bowl Jersey Add-ons or Bundle
Jumper the Polar Bear Labradoodle (with Goldendoodle mods)
Leo and Lenora the Lion and Lioness Mama 'Possum and her Littl'uns
Maximus the Tiger My Calico Kitty
My Kitty the Collection My Siamese Kitty
My Tabby Kitty My Tuxedo Kitty
Oscar the Hare Papa Bulldog (UGA)
Papillon Phillippe the Sheep
Pit Bull Pug
Radley the Fox Ranger the Raccoon
Ratchet the Robot Retriever Puppy Collection 1
Chesapeake Bay Retriever Puppy Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Puppy
Labrador Retriever Puppy Retriever Puppies Collection 2
Curly-coated Retriever Puppy Golden Retriever Puppy
Flat-coated Retriever Puppy Ringo the Red Panda
Rosie the Pig Saint Bernard
Schnauzer Sloth
Shar Pei Shih Tzu
Toy Poodle Tux and Tabby Persian Mods
West Highland White Terrier White Persian
Willa the Bunny Yorkshire Terrier
Daisy the Skunk
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